I'm blogging twice in the same day! I get extra credit for that! Anyway update on Daisy. Last week we weighed her and she was 27 lbs. Wow they really grow like weeds! When we got her, on August 27th, she weighed a mere 10 lbs. She has lost her 'puppy look'. She has one week left of obedience class and I suspect she'll be getting a big fat F when she graduates. Well to be fair she is the only puppy in the class and all those other dogs just get her all riled up. She pulls horribly during the heeling part. She is terrible about sitting when we stop. However she is very good at the sit/stay and down/stay as long as it isn't for too much time. At home she does much better. She is made to sit for everything-feeding, letting out, throwing a toy, everything. Petting is something she doesn't get much of because she bites too much. She is teething, complete with bleeding gums, so I guess that's why. It's very annoying. We just try to keep her busy chasing toys and chewing on them instead of us. She will be 5 months old next sunday so I know we have a long time before she's out of that chewing-on-people stage. She got a brand spankin' new doghouse yesterday-it looks like an igloo and is supposed to be very warm. She seems to like it a lot. Here are a couple of pictures. The first is just the face shot. The second she's carrying one of her beloved squeaky stuffies. She LOVES to squeak her toys.

She is getting a couple teaspoons of pumpkin in her food every day and doesn't go through a whole can in a week-so I have been on the hunt for low-fat pumpkin bread and muffin recipes and will try to post them as I try them out. I will have at least a cup or so each week to use up. Thank goodness pumpkin is healthy. Who would have ever guessed it's good for dogs and that they like it so much.
Look at that face!! Daisy is adorable!!!!
If you put a little black pepper on your fingers, I bet Daisy wont be biting them when you pet her!!
your dog is ADORABLE - so cute!
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